
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Utilitarian and Deontology dilemmas during a field visit to the Philippines

I had the opportunity to travel to the Philippines to be with a community. I explored the space between the rights of mothers and children and the responsibilities of duty bearers.

The voices of mothers and children are very powerful in addressing systemic and structural issues affecting them. However the ethics of consent and pure deontology (rights) come into conflict with utilitarian principles through working on a campaign. We are using the voices of the poor and oppressed to change systems and structures of the majority without any direct positive benefit to that individual. In fact those individuals may face reprisals and further oppression for speaking out. It is a dilemma which I am yet to come to terms with. In one way I wish to use these important voices as they are so powerful in changing attitudes and decisions of those in power. However, I do not want to put these people at risk even if they have given me consent to use their images and voices in this video.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Back to My Roots Part 2

I continue my journey in search of my Great Great Gandfather who set out from Orford in the U.K. bound for Australia. My journey takes me to my home place and beyond as I search for the final resting place of this adventurous man.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cheeks in Space

My latest movie in discovering what drives people. For my sister it was jumping out of a plane.